Welcome to the LeoCommon Documentation#
This is the automatic documentation builder for LeoCommon. It imports the documentations from all subprojects and provides them in one central place. This is achieved through the use of mkdocs and the mkdocs-multirepo-plugin.
Getting started#
Usage of virtualenv
This guide assumes that the virtualenv
tool is available on your system.
Please refer to your distribution manual or see docs.python.org
# Create a new virtual environment
virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate
# Install all the requirements for this project
pip install -r requirements.txt
Build and serve#
Building and serving this documentation is done locally by using the mkdocs
cli. To serve the documentation using the built-in local development server use mkdocs serve
If you want to build a version of the page for remote deployment use mkdocs build
and transfer the resulting site
folder to a web-server of your choice.
mkdocs serve
- Start the live-reloading docs server.mkdocs build
- Build the documentation site.mkdocs -h
- Print help message and exit.
Project layout#
mkdocs.yml # The main configuration file.
leo_theme/ # Custom theme overrides with extra css and local fonts
index.md # This page
... # Other markdown pages, images and other files.
.gitlab-ci.yml # The gitlab ci runner config for automatic deployment