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This document will cover how to do more advanced build tasks outside of the SATOS makefile environment.

Buildroot make environment#

The original make environment of Buildroot is accessible by entering the output directory.

Enter the environment
cd output
# run your make commands

Rebuilding single packages#

This is required in the event of extensive package changes and comes in handy during development.

If you want to rebuild linux, the following commands can be executed inside the BR make environment.

# Clean linux directories
make linux-dirclean
# Rebuild the linux kernel
make linux-rebuild

Adjusting configurations#

Certain packages have their own configuration frontends / guis.


The main configuration framework from within Buildroot can be opened using

make menuconfig

Linux Kernel#

Linux configuration can be adjusted by running.

make linux-menuconfig


U-Boot configuration can be adjusted with

make uboot-menuconfig

After adjusting the above configurations, they become temporary for the current build.

Make changes permanent#

Making changes permanent is done by executing the savedefconfig fleet of commands. For Buildroot this is accomplished by running

make savedefconfig

Todo: Fragment configs

Some packages use fragment configurations, only adding a minimal set of configuration options which helps with maintainability. It is currently unclear if the below commands for single packages correctly modify these.

For the other packages that support saving their configuration e.g Linux and U-Boot, this is done by running the savedefconfig command with the package prefix.


# Save the UBoot defconfig
make uboot-savedefconfig

# Save the Linux defconfig
make linux-savedefconfig