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Buildroot Maintenance#

Our Buildroot fork comes with certain package tweaks and version bumps which are not available (yet) upstream.

Custom packages

No custom packages shall be directly added to the buildroot fork. Please manage all of them inside SATOS!

New LTS Versions#


This project is based on 2022.02 LTS, check Buildroot Tags to determine if a new LTS update is available.

# If not done already, add the upstream repository to the buildroot directory
git remote add upstream

# Fetch tags and version history from upstream
git fetch upstream --tags

# Rebase to the new version number you looked up
git rebase 2022.02.X

# Create a new feature branch
git checkout -b 2022.02.X-satos

# Push it to our repository
git push --set-upstream origin 2022.02.X-satos
Submodule updates

Dont forget to adjust the submodule references if working on a clone of the repository.

If done make sure to conduct a clean rebuild of the entire buildroot sources to make sure everything re-builds correctly.


If a new major LTS version is available, the package level adjustments outlined below need to be re-evaluated.

Changed upstream packages#

Gnuradio 3.9#

Support for was added based off a past pull request to upstream buildroot.

Future upstream support

Support did not make it into the 2022.02.X LTS we are using for this project at the current time.
However some restructuring was done in later upstream releases so breaking changes are expected when switching to a new LTS.


Version bumped and config modified to support the HACKRF SDR.


Uses the more recent version to allow for better optimization and interopability with recent > 3.8 GnuRadio versions.


Version bumped to to allow python-numpy to build.


Bumped to contains some bugfixes.

usbmount && udisks#

Legacy tweaks that are scheduled for removal once the situation surrounding the config USB stick is clear.

Regular maintenance tasks#

The following tasks need to be performed manually and are essential to the security of the project.

Raspberry PIs#

The RaspberryPi targets come with custom versions of kernels and firmware that are solely tracked inside the SATOS repository.


This should provide an outline on how to maintain LeoCommons buildroot fork specific parts of the repository, if unified with SATOS, the maintenance tasks that need to be performed there should also be added to this document.